WeldWerks “Starry Night” Milk Stout

Name: Starry Night
Brewer: WeldWerks Brewing Co. (United States)
Style: Spice, Herb or Vegetable Beer (Base Style: Sweet Stout)
ABV: 7.5%
Review Year: 2020

We revisit Starry Night, a “milk stout” we encountered earlier this year. Brewed by the award-winning Colorado craft brewery, WeldWerks Brewing Co., Starry Night is a “milk stout” that features hazelnut, toasted coconut, milk chocolate, and, of course, milk sugar.


This beer is being evaluated as a Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer (30A) with the Sweet Stout (16A) as the base style in the context of the 2015 Beer Style Guidelines of the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP). The most current version of the guidelines can be found on the BJCP website.


Starry Night paints an opaque deep brown beer with a thin mocha head. Fragrant hazelnut at the forefront; secondary pecan nuts and caramel. Medium-full-bodied; moderately-low carbonation. The flavor profile mirrors the aroma with the prominent hazelnuts; supportive yet distinct flavors of caramel, buko pandan, and pecan nuts in the background. Low roasty bitterness; moderately low sweetness. Oily, dark chocolate aftertaste.


Starry Night is a delightful milk stout that showcases primarily hazelnut, coconut, and chocolate characters. While the aroma was stellar, with the mouthfeel and carbonation both feeling appropriate, we think a more prominent roasty backbone with accompanying lactose sweetness could improve further the overall balance of this beer. Not a masterpiece from WeldWerks, but still a very good one.