Small Gods x Maltkult “Lucifer’s Share” Speyside Whisky BA Wee Heavy

Name: Lucifer’s Share
Brewer: Small Gods Brewing, Maltkult (New Zealand)
Style: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer (Base Style: Wee Heavy)
ABV: 10%
Review Year: 2022

Lucifer’s Share is a Speyside whisky-fortified “Strong Scotch Ale” brewed by Small Gods Brewing and Maltkult from New Zealand. Reviewed in April 2022.


This beer is being evaluated as a Specialty Wood-Aged Beer (33B) with the Wee Heavy (17C) as the base style, in the context of the 2021 Beer Style Guidelines of the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP). The most current version can be found on the BJCP website.


Clear deep amber. The nose was greeted by moderately low malty caramel with vanilla and fruity hints. Medium-full-bodied; moderate carbonation; subtle astringency. A rich malty caramel flavor surfaced at medium-high levels; low whisky, vanilla, oak, and nutty/cacao impressions. Bitterness and sweetness are both balanced at medium-low levels. This Wee Heavy concluded with lingering yet subtle oak.


Lucifer’s Share is one winter warmer; rich and malty with no trace of sharp alcohol. It is delicious and quite drinkable for its style with the touch of oak and whisky really adding character. This is already an excellent take on the style, but a much more aromatic approach could still elevate this beer further.

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Small Gods Brewing
Beers From New Zealand