The Marc’s & Tony “Toasty Roasty” Porter

The Marc’s & Tony “Toasty Roasty" Porter

Disclaimer: We will come clean. This review was, unfortunately, written at a time when we were not aware that mats of bubbles are symptoms of a dirty glass. Just because we are Drink Me Dirty, it does not mean it is acceptable to drink from a dirty glass. Clean and rinse your glasswares properly. As better informed drinkers, we now vow to spread the gospel of clean glassware. Read more about this topic here. #DirtyGlassMafia

Name: Toasty Roasty
Brewer: The Marc’s & Tony Brewing Co. (Philippines)
Style: American Porter*
ABV: 6.5 %
Review Year: 2019

Before Tony Sindayen, head brewer of The Marc’s & Tony Brewing Co., descended into brewing madness with his juice-like hazy New England IPAs, he was already concocting flavorful porters. An ode to his earlier beer styles, Toasty Roasty is an American porter brewed with oats, molasses, malts, milk sugar (lactose), Saaz hops, and Voss Kveik yeast. For drinkers to compare and contrast two of the most popular dark beer styles in the world, this porter was released together with its big brother, the Eclipse Stout.

Read More: Craft Beers in the Philippines fermented using Voss Kveik


This beer is being evaluated as an American Porter (20A) in the context of the 2015 Beer Style Guidelines of the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP). The most current version of the guidelines can be found on the BJCP website.


Toasty Roasty rests in the glass akin to brewed coffee with its dark caramel color and mocha-colored head. Soothing aromas of roasted coffee, chocolates, cereals, and malts immediately come forward. Meanwhile, a boozy whiff cuts through the end like adding a shot of whisky to your morning coffee. The palate mirrors the aroma with notes of dark roasted malts, dark chocolates, and semi-sweet syrup. However, unlike the nose, the palate introduces familiar grape sourness at the end. This is perhaps one way the Voss Kveik yeast is making its presence known. Toasty Roasty wraps up with lingering notes of chocolate, bread, oats. This profile is reminiscent of early mornings eating hot chocolate porridge or champurrado.

The Marc’s & Tony “Toasty Roasty" Porter


Porters were originally the drink of laborers and porters during the Industrial Revolution. True enough, Toasty Roasty is a nod to the long history of this beer style and reminds us of what this humble beer style is all about. Do the beer greats a favor and enjoy a can after a long day of work.


As of this writing, oat characteristics are not hallmarks of the classic American Porter in the context of the mentioned style guidelines. In retrospect, we think evaluating this beer as an Alternative Grain Beer (31A) with the American Porter (20A) appears to be more appropriate. Further, note that tartness is also not an appropriate characteristic of the classic American Porter although this we think was imparted by the Voss Kveik used.

