Name: Fortuna
Brewer: Wayfinder Beer (United States)
Style: Altbier
ABV: 5.5%
Review Year: 2022
Fortuna is a Düsseldorf-style brewed by Wayfinder Beer in Portland. This copper-hued beer was dry-hopped with Spalter Select.
This beer is being evaluated as an Altbier (7B), in the context of the 2021 Beer Style Guidelines of the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP). The most current version can be found on the BJCP website.
Brilliantly clear copper; off-white head with excellent retention. Fortuna opened up with a moderately high nutty cacao aroma backed by a hint of spice. Medium-bodied; moderate carbonation. Like the aroma, flavor also offered a rich nutty and malty cacao profile with supporting light roast coffee, subtle spice and dried fruit. Balance favored the bitterness at a moderate level, while sweetness was at a notch lower. This Altbier finished with lingering medium roast coffee, nutty cacao, some bitterness, and hop spice.
Fortuna is another excellent release from Wayfinder. This Altbier crucially showcased the rich malty profile (e.g., nutty), firm bitterness, and spicy hops the style is known for. A perception of coffee was noted, but this did not manifest as dark, roasty, or heavy. Light fruity esters were sufficient to add complexity and not overpower the main flavors mentioned.
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Craft Beer from the United States