Name: Sitio Belis
Origin: Benguet, Philippines
Variety: Typica, San Ramon, Red Bourbon
Processing: Washed
Roaster: Kalsada Coffee Roasters
Brewing Method: v60
Belis sits atop the Cordillera mountain range with an elevation of 1,400-1,700 meters above sea level and is blessed with natural springs that flow year-round. The washed coffees of Sitio Belis are processed in the two micromills that Kalsada built back in 2015. Sitio Belis coffee represents the hard work of 50 families of growers and was established through generous funding by its Kickstarter backers. Asthrine Pias is the chief orchestrator of processing in Sitio Belis and has since then welcomed with open arms everyone who enjoys a warm cup of coffee in the mountains.
Kalsada was founded by three Licensed Q Graders– Tere Domine, Carmel Laurino, and Lacy Audry– to support Filipino coffee producers and their dedicated efforts to bring quality coffee to the market. Team Kalsada seeks to build trust and partnership with the local communities by investing in machinery and equipment to improve the quality of the coffee. Aside from this, they pay their farmers over US$ 1 per pound more than Fair Trade.
We brewed the latest yield of Sitio Belis using a V60 with a ratio of 1:16 and spring water. It was a well-rounded cup that featured mainly herbal and citrus attributes. Now, this is something we’d like to brew up in the mountains.
Aroma | Flavor | Finish |
Herby; green apple | Medium acidity; light body. Citrus, melon, and a myriad of tropical fruits | Slightly herby; nutty aftertaste with citrus peel |
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Co-Founder & Drink Chronicler