Evil Twin NYC x Mortalis “EVEN MORE HYDRA- ETNYC ED.” Fruited Sour

Brewers: Evil Twin Brewing NYC, Mortalis Brewing Company (United States)
Style: Wild Specialty Beer
ABV: 7%
Review Year: 2022

EVEN MORE HYDRA (Evil Twin NYC version) is a heavily fruited “slushy” beer brewed by Evil Twin Brewing NYC in collaboration with one of the main proponents of this contemporary beer style, Mortalis Brewing Co. This beer features blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cacao nibs.


This beer is being evaluated as a Wild Specialty Beer (28C) in the context of the 2021 Beer Style Guidelines of the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP). The most current version can be found on the BJCP website.


Poured headless thick and opaque crimson like a fruit shake. Moderate berries dominated the aroma profile alongside low chocolate bar, marshmallow, cherry, and lemongrass impressions. Medium-full-bodied; low carbonation; has a consistency of a fruit smoothie. A medley of blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries surfaced at a moderate intensity, leaving room for low fruity acidity and something chocolatey reminiscent of black forest cake. Bitterness was negligible; sweetness was at a moderate level. EVEN MORE HYDRA concluded with long lingering  flavors of the noted berries.


This variant of EVEN MORE HYDRA is a highly delectable fruited sour beer that perfectly melded the vibrancy of the berries, soothing quality of chocolate, with palatable sourness. With beers of this caliber, we are now convinced that these heavily fruited “slushy” beers are here to stay. Excellent.

Hail Hydra.

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Evil Twin Brewing NYC
Mortalis Brewing Company
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