Mikkeller San Diego “Game of Thrones Ghost Visions” German Pilsner

Name: Game of Thrones Ghost Visions
Brewers: Mikkeller Brewing San Diego (United States)
Style: German Pils
ABV: 4.5%
Review Year: 2022

Ghost Visions is a German Pilsner brewed by Mikkeller Brewing San Diego for HBO and Game of Thrones. This lager features an all-German hop roster composed of Tettnanger, Hersbrucker, and Saphir. Reviewed last February 2022.


This beer is being evaluated as a German Pils (5D) in the context of the 2021 Beer Style Guidelines of the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP). The most current version can be found on the BJCP website.


Clear pale straw, white head with fair retention. On the nose, medium-high grainy, honey-like aromas surfaced alongside subtle grassy/herbal and spicy notes. Light-medium-bodied; moderately-high carbonation; subtle mineral character. A medium-low grainy malt flavor (with a honey accent) was at the forefront, backed by soft spicy, and herbal flavors. Bitterness at medium-low; dry/very low sweetness. This German Pils concluded with lasting impressions of bitterness, floral hops, and some maltiness.


Game of Thrones Ghost Vision is a dry, refreshing, lightly malty, and bitter German-style lager that features classic German hop qualities (e.g., spicy, herbal). We think this is something to be consumed on a warm summer day in the Riverlands. A mineral character can be expected from these types of beers but this quality should never be harsh. All in all, we think this is another excellent interpretation of the style.

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