Mitchell’s “Proper Pub Ale” Strong Bitter

Name: Proper Pub Ale
Brewer: Mitchell’s Backyard Brewery (Philippines)
Style: Strong Bitter
ABV: 5.6%
Review Year: 2022

Proper Pub Ale is a malty yet crisp British-style beer by Mitchell’s Backyard Brewery that takes its drinkers to the bustling pubs of London.


This beer is being evaluated as a Strong Bitter (11C) in the context of the 2021 Beer Style Guidelines of the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP). The most current version can be found on the BJCP website.


Deep amber; fair clarity. Clarity improved significantly as it settled.  Medium off-white head with good retention. A moderate earthy aroma was dominant with a supporting citrussy accent. Flavor profile was malt-forward and primarily had moderately high biscuity and lightly toasty qualities. Light-medium-bodied; moderate carbonation. Medium hop flavors (e.g., resiny and earthy) followed through. Bitterness was at a notch above moderate while perceived sweetness was on the down low, which gave this beer a dry impression. Fruity esters were also present but very subtle. Proper Pub Ale concluded with lingering notes of toasted biscuits and hop bitterness.


Proper Pub Ale is an outstanding interpretation of a Strong Bitter in our opinion. It is a proper (pun intended) English style ale that showcased pleasant aromas and a malt-forward flavor profile. The balance between bitterness and sweetness (or lack thereof) was spot-on; drinkability was as mandated by the style. We will remember this as a characterful, thirst-quenching alternative to the American-style sessionable ales in the market today.

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